Our Past Officers


1945-1946    F.A. Mackinnon

1947-1959    Hubert Preston

1960-1961    H.S.Altham

1961-1962    Lord Birkett

1963-1968    A.A.Thomson

1969-1973    Lt-Gen Sir Oliver Leese

1974-1975    A.M.Crawley

1976-1983    E.W.Swanton

1983-1998    G.H.G.Doggart

1998-2008    C.D.A.Martin-Jenkins

2008-present J.R.T.Barclay


1945-1946   A.Weigall

1946-1947   Capt. J.A.Bayliss

1947-1953   G.A.Copinger

1953-1960   A.R.Whitaker

1960-1965   Dr.R.W.Cockshut

1965-1966   L.E.S.Gutteridge

1966-1983   C.C.W.Box-Grainger

1983-1992   R.N.Haygarth

1992-2003   D.Allsop

2003-2008   W.R.Allen

2008-2008   I.R.Jackson

2008-2012   D.E.Barnard

2012-2021   Nigel Hancock

2021-present PM Hardy

All paintings and Illustrations featured are reproduced by kind permission of Christina Pierce - Cricket Artist. www.christinapierce.com
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