Virtual Events
TCS, nudged by the Corona Virus Pandemic has wholeheartedly embraced a new world of videotelephony and online chat through the Cloud based software platform Zoom (other brands are readily available!) for teleconferencing, telecommunication and social relations.
Whilst there is nothing like a physical get together, Zoom has enabled TCS Members around the UK and beyond to stay connected with one another. It has proven especially beneficial to those Members who are unable to trundle along to one of TCS’s Branch Meetings.
Nick Tudball, TCS’s Zoom Event Organiser weighed in: “The participation of TCS Members has been vital. The questions from the audience add a unique element to our talks. Rather than simply being at an event to watch, the meeting room atmosphere enables Members to feel part of the discussion and feel like they are in the room with the Speakers. It feels like an intimate occasion even if there are 200 other people on the call.”
All Zoom Events are recorded and posted to TCS’s website and YouTube channel.
Although most of TCS’s Members don’t qualify as Baby Zoomers, the era of digitalisation is here to stay and TCS has welcomed this communications platform as an integral way of remaining in contact with Members and the wider public to enjoy a good old fashioned leisurely chat.